Keep in touch and update your details

Please note: if you wish to express interest in receiving an Honorary Teaching Degree in absentia, please email

If you complete the form below you are simply providing us with up-to-date details which we will use to update your record. 

Our goal is to ensure that the University of London can continue to fulfil our mission to make a unique contribution to learning and research-led scholarship through an unrivalled network of member institutions, global reach and reputation, and the breadth of our high-quality innovative academic services and infrastructure.

We would like your help. It is only with the support of alumni and friends like you that the University, our Colleges, Institutes and departments can deliver the world-class research and teaching which has characterised the University for nearly 200 years.

If you'd like to keep in touch, please complete the form below to update your contact details and receive communications from us.

Questions that require an answer are marked with  *
1 * Click here to confirm you would like to receive communications about news, events, fundraising and opportunities from the University of London.
2 * We may contact you in different ways, including email, telephone, post and text message (SMS). You can let us know how you would like to be contacted by selecting one or more of the options below.

3 Title:
4 * First Name:
5 * Surname:
6 What is your relationship to the University of London?

7 If you are a former student of the University, please provide details of the course(s) you studied and year of completion:
8 Can you provide further details about your relationship with the University?
9 Date of birth:
10 * Email Address:
11 Address:
 House number/name
 Address line 1
 Address line 2
12 Telephone number (including country code):
13 Mobile/Cell number (including country code):
14 Name at Graduation (if different):
15 Student Registration Number (if known):
16 Job Title:
17 Employer:
18 If you are a former student, please take some time to tell us some of your personal and professional highlights since completing your University of London course:

Privacy policy

By using the registration form above and entering your details, you are agreeing to share your details with the University of London. If you have questions regarding this, please email

The University will use any details provided to us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, or want to opt out of any part of this, please contact the University at